Kick That Old Fear Out the Door!

Does this image of an elevator make you feel uneasy?  It caused a client that I saw today (for her first session) extreme anxiety.  She had a real strong fear of being in any kind of enclosed space… to the point where she would have trouble breathing; her heart rate would amp up; she’d get sweaty, uncomfortable, irrational, and would often start crying.  She would HAVE TO GET OUT!  This fear was holding her back from many things and she wanted to be a better example for her young son.

Elevator Test #1:

Well today was very different for her.  We did a MEMI (Multi-channel Eye Movement Integration) session, which isn’t even hypnosis, but is a type of eye movement therapy.  After the session she felt calm, brave and ready to go test it out.  We went to the elevator together and she could actually go in on her own and stand inside with the door open!!  She felt okay and stood inside for about a minute.  This was HUGE for her because prior to that she wouldn’t even go inside.  When the elevator door started to close, however, she got out.  This was fine because I figured we would still need to do something else.

Elevator Test #2:

We headed back to my office and spent a few more minutes doing an NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programing technique) – which is kind of like waking hypnosis to slow down the thoughts and words inside her mind.  When we were done, we headed back to the elevator to retest.  She got in, and I asked her where that old fear was.  She told me it was on the floor beside her.  I suggested that she kick it out the door (literally), which she did, the elevator doors closed, and we proceeded to ride down to the main floor. She remained calm the whole time!  She couldn’t believe it!  She was so overjoyed that she gave me a hug before heading out the door.

What’s Next?:

Is there still a bit more work to do?… Likely yes.  We will be doing some hypnosis in her next session, but in one short hour she made amazing progress.  She faced her fear and overcame it using the power of her own mind!