Powerful Hypnosis Programs
Weight Management Hypnosis Programs
Have you tried to lose weight before with fad diets or unrealistic food restrictions, only to find that they are too hard to stick with and you gain all the weight back, and more? Our hypnosis weight loss program is different! It offers permanent and lasting results. Through hypnosis, you will feel drawn to healthier foods, feel satisfied with eating less and have natural aversions to less healthy junk foods and sweets.
You’ll find that your moods, confidence and self-esteem will increase, helping you to avoid emotional eating.
With our weight management program, you will also be motivated to find fun and creative ways to move your body and increase your fitness (at a rate that works for you and your body). You will begin to look at exercise in a different way and find easy ways to fit it into your life.
Along with your customized hypnosis sessions, your program is supplemented with various home audio tracks (at no extra cost) to support you on your weight loss journey.
Most of our weight loss programs are backed by a written service guarantee.
*Results may vary*
I was suffering with low self-esteem, extreme bloating, low energy and exhaustion. Hypnosis has allowed me to lose 45 lbs, increase my water intake, have an exercise regime which I now love, and ensure I am nourishing my body with wholesome, nutritious food. I also have more energy, I’m sleeping better and have a better quality of life.
Stop Smoking/Vaping Hypnosis Programs
Are you tired of watching your hard-earned money literally go up in smoke/vape?… Are you annoyed with that nagging cough that just won’t go away?… Are you worried about what smoking/vaping is doing to your health?… Do you find yourself short of breath?… Are you done with smelling like smoke/vape all the time?… Have you tried to quit before to no avail?… Are you motivated and ready to let smoking/vaping go for good?… It’s time to see if hypnosis is right for you! Many people have used hypnosis successfully to quit smoking/vaping. Let us help you kick the habit for good!
Our stop smoking/vaping programs are backed by a written service guarantee
*Results may vary*
Before I did hypnosis I was struggling with my health and mental well being, which was being exasperated by my smoking habit. I had a major loss of confidence and increased worry and concern that I smelled bad, had bad breath, and that I was being portrayed as a “dirty smoker” by my clients and co-workers. Smoking really affected my confidence in a negative way.
Hypnosis not only helped me become a non-smoker, it also helped me to realize that I can be relaxed and calm under pressure without having to rely on cigarettes to “get me through”. I feel much more energetic, clear headed and confident in my ability to overcome not only smoking, but any other challenges or habits that I may develop as I go forward. I now have tools I can use to overcome many things, including stressful situations or high-pressure situations.
I’ve also noticed that I’m less anxious, more calm, and have a much larger ability to just “be” with what I’m experiencing versus reaching for crutches at the first sign of unease or stress.
My kids love that I no longer smoke. I get so much more done! It’s almost like there is two of me now! I have an ability now to notice immediately when my brain is playing a trick on me.
I am so grateful that Edmonton Hypnosis Solutions offers “Stop Smoking” hypnosis. Already I have noticed a significant change for the better within myself. As a business person who is very private, Edmonton Hypnosis Solutions rose to my expectations on day one and far exceeded what I initially was expecting to get out of this process. Stopping smoking seemed like an unattainable goal of mine for a long time, but after working with Ricky I realize now that I can overcome anything I make a commitment to overcoming.
Stress Management Hypnosis Programs
Are you tired of letting stress run your life… feeling anxious, overwhelmed, nervous, tense, and uneasy? Chronic stress negatively impacts our overall physical, mental and emotional health. When in the hypnotic state though, it’s virtually impossible to release stress hormones (such as adrenaline and cortisol). Life is sometimes stressful, but by using tools and techniques learned in hypnosis, you are more easily able to stay calm in stressful situations and have a more positive outlook on life in general. Take control of your life and learn how our stress management hypnosis program may be right for you!
*Results may vary*
Pain Management Hypnosis Programs
Utilize the power of your mind to gain control of your pain, whether chronic or acute. Hypnosis can effectively help manage pain from headaches, migraines, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, burns, cancer and other conditions. It can also be used prior to surgery and before or after major dental work. (Please consult your physician before using hypnosis for pain management)
Using hypnosis to manage the discomforts of childbirth is becoming more and more popular. You can learn more about Hypnobabies, which is a very successful hypnosis program specific for birth here: Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis
*Results may vary*

Prior to experiencing hypnosis I had been experiencing chronic hip pain for over 2 years, despite many efforts made. I had tried everything allopathic medicine had to offer and felt that I also exhausted all alternative medicine and therapies with little to no lasting relief.
Hypnosis has considerably reduced the severity and frequency of the hip pain (discomfort) that I had been experiencing. Hypnosis has improved the day-to-day quality of my life as well as the quality and quantity of my sleep. As an added value of hypnosis, I have an increased awareness of how I think about this “discomfort” in my body with the language I choose to interpret and share. Hypnosis has reminded me of how powerful the mind-body connection is. Hypnosis is a powerful tool/catalyst for healing.
Hypnosis was a “game changer” in my healing. I am still experiencing discomfort, but in a very different way. And more importantly, I have a tool now to use when my body is trying to get my attention that is very effective. In order to create or break habits, we need to remember that consistency and repetition for both, are required. I am feeling confident that the more I use hypnosis, the better quality of life I will experience.
Confidence & Self-Esteem Hypnosis Programs
Do you feel scared, anxious or frozen in certain situations? Is your lack of confidence holding you back from the things you want to do? Are you scared of flying? Does the thought of public speaking make you run for the hills?… Hypnosis may be the answer for you! Hypnosis is used very successfully to build confidence, gain control over thoughts that are not useful, and tackle fears & phobias. Learn how hypnosis can help you tap into your inner strength and utilize the power that is within you! Call for a free screening now!
*Results may vary*

Before I started with hypnosis I had no self confidence. I was always second guessing myself and my decisions. I doubted my abilities at home, work, in social settings and even as a parent.
After hypnosis I found a new confidence in myself. I stopped letting people and issues make me feel guilty. I started saying “no” when I didn’t want to do something and I found my voice. I am happy with the decisions I am making. I sleep better, no longer awakening at night worrying if I upset someone or if I made the right decision. I am calmer and more patient when it comes to my family and I have more energy because I am sleeping better. I loved every session and once my son is old enough, I am going to bring him here for hypnosis benefits as well.
~Jessica Hodges

I suffered from anxiety and low confidence. I was not able to forgive or let go of the past. I also drank too much.
Since using hypnosis, the anxiety has improved greatly. When it happens it is for a minimal amount of time. I do not dwell on the past or let things upset me for long periods of time. I now have more confidence and it helps me to complete projects quicker.
I’ve also noticed that my mood has improved and I am sleeping better. When I choose to drink, I can easily stop after having a couple and I don’t go overboard like I used to.
~ Keri Schmaus
Multi-Channel Eye Movement Integration (MEMI)
This service can be used on its own or in addition to hypnosis. It is an eye-movement therapy that can help desensitize memories associated with past trauma and help a person heal and move forward without traumatic memories negatively impacting them. This therapy is very safe in that a person does not need to talk about the details related to the traumatic experience or re-live it in any way. In fact, it can be done effectively without any content shared. It usually only takes one session and the changes are permanent.
I experienced a traumatic flight 8 years ago and was barely able to get on a single flight (within the last 8 years). I had frequent nightmares and my thoughts were often consumed by my fear of flying. As a result, this has held me back from many experiences and opportunities to travel. I tried Multi-Channel Eye Movement Integration (MEMI) at Edmonton Hypnosis Solutions and have significantly felt my stress around flying decrease, and my overall perspective has definitely shifted. During the hour-long session I felt a gradual decrease in emotional and physical reaction and less of an ability to recall the event, concluding the session feeling very calm and level. Since then, I’ve found I’m thinking about flying far less, and when I do, I feel less anxious and more focused on the destination I will be travelling to, rather than the travel itself. I’m very excited to take my next flight and see how the changes will impact my experience!
~Drew Macaulay
Custom Programs
Designed to meet your specific needs. Please contact Edmonton Hypnosis Solutions for a free screening to learn how and if hypnosis is the solution for you.
Remote/Online Hypnosis Programs
It’s not always feasible to do hypnosis sessions in person, but the good news is, they can be done online, from the comfort of your own home, and be equally effective! All you need is a device and a comfortable place to relax. Contact us to learn more and book your free online screening.
Service Guarantee
Some of our weight loss and all of our quit smoking programs come with a written service guarantee. This means that even after our program is complete, you can come back anytime (free of charge) if you need some help to get back on track.
Are you ready to let go of what’s
holding you back?
Why wait?
The time for change is now!
Call Edmonton Hypnosis Solutions today and take the first step towards your empowered future!