Hypnosis Methods and Techniques Used at Edmonton Hypnosis Solutions
We use various methods and techniques to help you achieve your desired outcome. Since there is no one thing that works for everyone, flexibility and different approaches are paramount to your success. Oftentimes, multiple methods are used in any given session as they can all blend together seamlessly to create a positive result.
One thing to keep in mind with all the different methods is that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. What that means is, you are in charge the whole time and in full control of what you do and say no matter what we are doing.
Traditional Hypnosis with Direct Suggestions
The first and most well-known form of hypnosis is “Traditional Hypnosis”. It usually involves some sort of hypnotic induction to encourage deep relaxation of the body and mind. When the analytical and judgemental part of the conscious mind is relaxed and out of the way, the subconscious is open to accept suggestions. It is important to note that the subconscious will only accept suggestions that are in line with what a person wants, and that are congruent with their goals and desires. In traditional hypnosis we use “direct suggestions”, directing the mind to act or feel a certain way.
For example, once a person is deeply relaxed, the hypnotist might give a suggestion like:
- “Consistency is your strength, and you stick to your new healthy habits effortlessly.”
- “Every time you find yourself in a situation when you used to smoke, you feel calm and at ease and you know that you’ve made the right choice.”
- “You handle stressful situations with ease.”
Some people respond to direct suggestions very well in hypnosis, while others need a more roundabout approach (which is accomplished in the next method).
Ericksonian or Indirect Hypnosis
Developed by Dr. Milton Erickson, Ericksonian hypnosis uses subtle, indirect suggestions and conversational techniques. Instead of giving direct commands, the hypnotist might tell stories, use metaphors, or imply suggestions that guide the person’s mind to a conclusion without explicitly stating it. This makes it ideal for clients who may resist direct commands or suggestions. This method can be done conversationally while a person is in a normal conscious state, or after a hypnotic induction has been done to relax the body and mind. Often a combination of direct and indirect suggestions are used in the same session to ensure the message is being received.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Neuro-Linguistic Programming isn’t exactly hypnosis, but it shares similar language techniques and involves exploring how language and sensory experiences shape our beliefs and behaviors. NLP often focuses on understanding the subconscious “programs” that drive behaviors, and reprogramming them for positive outcomes. It’s all about how you’re communicating with yourself on the inside. That inner communication is made up of images, sounds, and feelings about how we experience our inner and outer world, enabling us to make meaning of things. When we change what we see, hear or feel in our mind, we can change the way we experience something because thoughts, language and behaviors are all connected. Once you become aware of how you are creating a mindset you don’t want, you can move from a “Stuck State” to a “Desired State” with ease. Neuro-Linguistic Programming offers a vast library of methods to do just that.
To help understand it even further, we can break down the term “Neuro-linguistic programming” by defining what each part means in relation to the NLP modality:
- Neuro: “Neuro” refers to the mind, brain or nervous system, particularly regarding how states of mind (and body) affect communication and behaviors. In other words, how our mind processes information and how we experience the world through our senses. It involves understanding how thoughts, feelings, and sensory experiences (like what we see, hear, feel) affect our behaviors and responses.
- Linguistic: “Linguistic” refers to language and communication. Meaning that our mind and body states are revealed in our language and non-verbal communication. This part of NLP looks at how the words we use (both to ourselves and with others) shape our reality, thoughts, and feelings. Language is the tool we use to gain access to the inner workings of the mind, and it can influence our perceptions, responses, and how we interpret experiences. NLP language patterns help us tap into unconscious information that would otherwise stay hidden and unclear.
- Programming: “Programming” refers to the patterns and habits we develop in our thoughts and behaviors, and the capacity to change our mind and body states. Your inner programming determines how you live your life. It dictates your habitual thoughts, feelings, reactions, beliefs, and traditions. In NLP, “programming” means identifying these patterns and learning how to “reprogram” them if they’re not serving you well, essentially transforming the inner communication. By adjusting these outdated mental and behavioral patterns, you can create more positive outcomes and change how you react to situations.
Putting It All Together
NLP is about understanding how our brain (neuro) uses language (linguistic) to create mental and behavioral patterns (programming). By working with these elements, people can learn to shift their thoughts, language, and actions to change and improve their lives.
NLP techniques are often interwoven into our hypnosis sessions or done before or after hypnosis. Sometimes a whole session might be all NLP, always considering what is coming up in the moment and what the best way to approach it would be.
Self-Hypnosis and Audio Recordings
Learning Self-Hypnosis:
As stated before, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis because you are in full control the whole time. However, there are certain steps a person can use to guide themselves into a hypnotic state all on their own, without a hypnotist’s direct guidance. At Edmonton Hypnosis Solutions we can teach you how to quickly and easily hypnotize yourself to make the changes you would like to make. Self-hypnosis is a wonderful tool to have, to be able to stay on track with the changes you are making or work on other things as they come up. Many people use self-hypnosis as a daily tool to reinforce positive changes and relieve stress.
Home Audio Recordings:
Another tool you will have as a client is our hypnosis audio recordings. All programs offered at Edmonton Hypnosis Solutions also include hypnosis audio tracks to listen to at home between sessions and after your hypnosis program is complete. With hypnosis, repetition is important and often necessary. The mind is kind of like a muscle. You don’t just go to the gym once and come out with beautifully sculpted muscles, do you? You need to keep lifting those weights until those muscles are strong and defined. Your mind is the same way. You need to hear something repetitively for it to take a firm hold in the subconscious and override the old programming. That is where the home audios come in and there are many different ones to choose from that your hypnotist will recommend based on what you are working on. Plus, you have that extra reassurance that you can listen to them at any time in the years to come to help you stay on track if needed.
Guided Imagery or Visualization
Guided Imagery or Visualization is sometimes part of a hypnosis session, though it doesn’t have to be used in a “trance” state, and it doesn’t even have to be “visual”. It involves leading a person through a series of mental images or scenarios designed to encourage relaxation in body and mind, reduce stress, and/or foster positive changes. It often incorporates sensory-rich descriptions that a person can imagine in the way that works best for them. A lot of people are more visual in how they imagine something, but sometimes a person can also “hear” imaginary sounds in their mind or have more of a “feeling” about what is being described. Still others simply “imagine” or “sense” things very well. It really doesn’t matter how you do it, only that you use your imagination in a way that makes sense to you.
Some people think that they can’t “visualize” something, but seeing something in the mind’s eye is different than seeing it in real life. And to show you just how easy it is to picture something in your mind, close your eyes and picture the neighborhood where you grew up, or a room in your house, or a favorite vacation spot. Did you do it? See how easy it was to visualize something?
Guided imagery and visualization are often used by athletes, performers, and professionals to improve focus, confidence, and performance. It’s essentially a mental rehearsal in the mind, telling your mind how you want something to go. When you do that repeatedly, it is more likely to happen in the way you imagine it. Mental rehearsal in the mind is another great way to affect change and utilize the power of your mind. It’s also widely used in stress relief and relaxation practices.
Working with “Parts”
How and Why “Parts” are Formed:
Parts work is based on the idea that we all have different “parts” or aspects of ourselves, each with its own unique beliefs, motivations, and desires. Do you ever feel like you have mixed feelings about something where a part of you feels one way and another part feels the opposite way? Perhaps a part of you wants to clean out and reorganize a closet or do some sort of chore that needs to get done, but another part of you just wants to relax on the couch after a busy day at work. Or a part of you wants to yell at your kid for misbehaving, but another part wants to be loving and patient. Often people talk about an unconscious “part” of themselves running a behavior… “There is this part of me that always wants that glass of wine after dinner.” Essentially, we are the sum of all our parts. These different parts of us are formed at various times in our lives and for various reasons.
For example, when you learned to ride a bike or drive a car there was a part of you that did that. And whenever you drive a car or get on a bike, that part of you is activated within you. Or maybe you are familiar with the term “inner child”; that younger version of yourself, or the “part” of your subconscious that holds memories, emotions, and experiences from your childhood. Parts often arise as a result of various life experiences and sometimes carry emotional weight, causing internal conflict that affects behavior or emotions. When someone experiences a trauma, for instance, a part is formed within them to help them deal with that experience in that moment. That part then sometimes stays in that stuck state, causing a behavior that isn’t useful anymore, even though it was helpful at the time.
Parts Want to Help Us:
What’s important to understand is that all these parts within us each have a role and a positive intention, even if the behaviors they promote seem negative or self-sabotaging. For example, there may be a part that wants to be the “protector” and keep you safe or to help avoid failure, and it does that by being self-critical, causing you to feel anxious, worry about things, and/or avoid certain situations or interactions. Or maybe there is a part that really enjoys the positive feelings or comfort it gets from eating chocolate or a big plate of pasta, but then there is also another part of you that wants to eat healthy and lose weight. Often, the conflicts between parts manifest as indecision, procrastination, self-sabotage, or emotional distress. By bringing these parts to the surface, you can become aware of the conflicting motivations within you and understand the positive intention behind the unwanted behavior.
Communicating With Parts:
There are various ways to communicate and work with these different parts to facilitate positive change. Sometimes it is done in hypnotic trance and other times it is done through conversation. Either way, we simply connect with that part of you that is causing the problem and learn more about what it is trying to do or get for you… What is the positive intention behind the unwanted behavior? Once we have a better understanding of that part’s intention and perspective, we can help it to manifest in better, healthier ways that are congruent with what you want to achieve, and that align with your overall well-being. Parts work essentially helps to resolve internal conflicts that are standing in the way of your goals and desires. Once all parts are in agreement and ready to work together harmoniously, they become integrated into the whole being. A person may then feel more aligned, decisive, and at peace with themselves. The newly integrated self is often more resourceful and resilient.
Core Transformation
Basis of Core Transformation:
Core Transformation is a process developed by Connirae Andreas, Ph.D. (internationally recognized NLP Trainer). This process also works with “parts” (as explained in the above section) and operates under the assumption that every one of our behaviors, feelings or responses has a positive purpose. So instead of hating a part of yourself or fighting with it, why not make friends with it and understand its positive intent. We then give the part what it is wanting at deeper and deeper levels, until we eventually get to a “core state”. So as we go through the process, the part that is causing the unwanted behavior, feeling or response will gradually shift from wanting something from the outside (like protection, security, respect, love, approval, happiness, or success) to wanting a deep, inner, core feeling state like inner peace, oneness, wholeness, presence, etc.
What is a “Core State”:
A core state is an internal state of being that we can always have, regardless of outside circumstances. These states then naturally dissolve the original issue, sometimes all at once, and sometimes with repeated practice. Plus, with our core states intact we can have an inner knowing that we have the resources to weather the storms of life, and an underlying sense of optimism that we will come out the other side of our difficulties not only in one piece, but perhaps even stronger and wiser. We can know at a deep level that even when we are feeling frustrated, sad or irritable, we can still have an underlying sense of well-being about ourselves.
Transformational Change:
The goal of Core Transformation is not to understand our problems, it is to go to the place within where our problems will transform. So instead of trying to overcome a problem from the outside in by trying to feel or act differently or by using will power, Core Transformation approaches the issue from the inside out. It deals with the “core” of the problem so you get transformational change. And although, to some, it may sound a bit spiritual (when we talk about things like oneness and inner peace), anyone can benefit from it. And because you are coming up with your own answers from your unconscious mind, the process is deeply respectful of your personal belief system. Core Transformation, like all the other methods talked about here, can be used for various issues and in combination with other techniques.
Multi-Channel Eye Movement Integration (MEMI)
Origins of MEMI:
Multi-Channel Eye Movement Integration (MEMI) was created by Mike Deninger, Ph.D. and is presented in the book “Multichannel Eye Movement Integration: The Brain Science Path to Safe and Effective PTSD Treatment. It is derived directly from the original Eye Movement Integration (EMI) methodology developed by Steve and Connirae Andreas (internationally recognized NLP innovators). Dr. Deninger transformed EMI into a new and innovative technique by adding certain enhancements to it, making it a full-bodied, multisensory, limbic eye movement therapy for PTSD.
What is MEMI and Why Does it Work?:
Otherwise known as “The Brain Science Path to Easy and Effective PTSD Treatment”, MEMI is an eye-movement therapy that can help desensitize memories associated with past trauma and help a person heal and move forward without traumatic memories negatively impacting them. It is based on the idea that our eyes naturally move in certain patterns when we are processing information, and that these patterns can be used to help us integrate traumatic experiences and emotions. So, when a person thinks about a traumatic memory and sees images from it in their mind like they are right back there again, their eyes will likely move to a particular location each time they recall that experience. The originators of this therapy discovered that if a person thinks about a difficult memory while their eyes follow something in front of them in a particular pattern, it interrupts the way their brain processes that information, and their reaction to the experience improves.
Of course, it’s more complicated than that and if you want to take a deep dive into it you can learn more about it here: https://multichanneleyemovementintegration.com/
What is a MEMI Session Like?
This therapy is very safe and gentle, in that a person does not need to talk about the details related to the traumatic experience or re-live it in any way. In fact, it can be done effectively without any content shared at all! This makes it very different from many other PTSD therapies out there. It is kinder, gentler, and more effective, often yielding faster results. It usually only takes one session and the changes are permanent.
We begin by anchoring in a positive state of mind, so that we can come back to that at any time if needed. This is, however, rarely needed.
Next, you are asked about the thoughts you have in your mind when you think about the traumatic experience, as well as any images and sounds associated with it. We don’t want to know what those images or sounds are, only if they feel close or far away or if they are clear or fuzzy, for example, or if the sounds (if there are any) are loud or soft, etc. We also talk about the emotional and physical feelings you have now when you think about the traumatic memory.
We are noting the intensity of all of these things so we have a starting point. Then, you safely imagine and project the memory some distance away from you while you think about it briefly and follow the slow movements of a pen with your eyes. As this is done, you will hear certain verbal suggestions to reframe and shift your thoughts and feelings about the experience.
Once a set of eye movements is complete, we re-test the intensity of everything so we can see what is changing. Usually, we do four sets of eye movements (adding on different movement patterns each time) and we see the intensity of everything gradually come down.
By the end of the whole process, when asked to think about the experience, images are harder to find, farther away, dimmer, smaller, etc. (if they are even there at all). Sounds are often gone from the mind or harder to hear. Emotional feelings have dissipated or shifted. Any physical feelings in the body are gone. And the thoughts about the experience have shifted to be more neutral, positive and/or forgiving.
The person still has a memory of the experience, but it’s different and it no longer affects them in the same way that it used to. MEMI simply diffuses or takes away the emotional charge that was causing all the problems. The MEMI protocol represents a paradigm shift away from the cognitive behavioral therapies and toward an approach that more immediately targets the brain’s reactions to traumatic experiences.
The whole process, start to finish, takes about 45 – 60 minutes and the results and positive transformations that happen each time are quite AMAZING!
Other Uses for MEMI:
Although it was developed to mainly deal with traumas and PTSD, MEMI (and basic guided eye movements) can also be used effectively for anxiety, fears and phobias, or for any uncomfortable emotion or feeling that comes up in a session.
Timeline Regression
Past, Present or Future?
For the most part, when wanting to change in some way, we always want to focus on what you actually want. What is the goal? How do you want to feel? What do you really want to do? Where do you want to go? And how are you going to get there? Imagine driving a car while constantly looking behind you. Is that a useful or safe way to drive? Of course not! There is a reason why the windshield is larger than the rear-view mirror. Looking back to the past all the time can cause you to stay stuck there, in those old patterns, thoughts, emotions and behaviors. And unless you want to stay stuck, it is best to bring your focus and thoughts into the present moment and the future you desire.
Going Back to the Root Cause:
However, in some cases, we need to go back to the root cause of an issue and clear it or heal it at the source. So perhaps, as a child, you were bullied, or a parent or teacher said something negative to you that really stuck or they put you down in some way, saying things like, “You’ll never amount to anything” or “You need to do better; this isn’t good enough” or something of the like. Or maybe there was a time in school when you were laughed at or teased. Or a person could have been in an abusive or unhealthy relationship, always being put down or made small in some way. Now, depending on circumstances and the support someone has, people can easily move on from such things and not let it affect them in harmful ways, but other times it sticks (whether it happens repetitively or even just once). And when a person is unable to move forward in the way they want, we can use something called “Timeline Regression”.
How Does it Work?
We all have a way of knowing the difference between images or memories from the past and perceptions of the future. It’s kind of like a mental line of time in our mind. Timeline Regression combines hypnosis techniques and NLP to allow us to safely go back and heal the past so that any present obstacles can be overcome, and the future can look much brighter. It’s like knocking over the first domino in a row of dominoes, freeing you from negative feelings or limiting beliefs that were linked to past experiences, and transforming your internal programming. This all happens quite magically at an unconscious level, letting you react to present experiences based on conditions and situations in the present, instead of emotions from the past. Although sometimes a person’s perception of the memory is changed, it’s important to note that the negative memory itself is not cleared, only the negative emotions attached to the memory.
Past-Life Regression
As stated above, it’s usually best to stay focused on the present moment and future goals, however, Past Life Regression can sometimes be a useful tool that may provide some insight about the current life being lived now. While controversial, it’s popular for those seeking spiritual or personal insight, or some people are simply curious about what kinds of past lives they lived.
What Do You Believe?
Of course, everyone has varying beliefs about reincarnation, but experts on the subject say that memories from our past lives live inside our subconscious mind. Though we seldom remember even having lived these past lives, the experiences we had living them may have had a hand in shaping who we are today. Some believe that the effects of a past life can manifest in a later lifetime in many ways — phobias, self-limiting beliefs, physical problems, or innate creative abilities. Violence, death, and trauma in a past life may show up as fear, uncontrollable anger, or low self-esteem in this one, while positive experiences from an earlier lifetime may cause a person to feel strongly drawn to certain people, places, or objects without knowing why. Someone may also feel drawn to a particular period in history, a seemingly unfamiliar locale, or a new person they’ve met who seems oddly familiar.
What Happens in a Past Life Regression Hypnosis Session?
In a past life regression hypnosis session, a hypnotist guides a person into what are perceived as memories of past lives. The hypnotist induces a deep trance, and through guided questioning, allows the person to explore experiences or emotions from what they may believe are previous incarnations. Some people use it to address unresolved feelings, understand life patterns, or explore issues they feel may stem from a past existence. The idea is to help you move forward in this current lifetime by perhaps offering some sort of information or giving some direction, understanding or insight about something that will be of benefit in some way in this current life. So, if an issue isn’t resolving with other methods and techniques, a past-life regression could be a viable option if a client has a desire to do it. While past life regression can be an interesting journey, it is not a substitute for living in the present where we are most needed — right here and now.
Each of these methods offers distinct benefits and applications, allowing us to tailor our approach based on individual needs, personality, and circumstances. At Edmonton Hypnosis Solutions, we carefully consider all of these factors to provide a truly personalized experience
Are you ready to let go of what’s
holding you back?
Why wait?
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Call Edmonton Hypnosis Solutions today and take the first step towards your empowered future!